Excerise your right to Accessorize

IMG_0213IMG_0227IMG_0234IMG_0210 Accessories are fun and fabulous way to update your wardrobe. Coco Chanel paved the way for women to wear a combination of both costume and fine jewelry. For those that I may have lost, costume jewelry is the inexpensive items that you would get at Charming Charlie's while, fine jewelry is  made of gold, silver, and precious stones that you would typically purchase from a jeweler. Fine jewelry is an investment whereas costume jewels are not (perfect if you are a fashionista on a budget). Accessories can make or break an outfit and it can get tricky deciphering the difference between doing too much or not enough. I had many lovely readers ask me to cover this topic so, I hope you enjoy!

1. Bracelets vs. SleevesIMG_0243

Every ensemble does not need a matching necklace, bracelet, and pair of earrings. Some tops have detailed sleeves whether it be buttons, zippers, or the design which you would not be needing a bracelet. In this case you do not want the bracelet and sleeve detail to compete, wearing a bracelet with a cool sleeve masks the embellishments creating a vision of wrist clutter. Opting out of wearing a bracelet with funky sleeves showcases the details. Bracelets are meant to make a statement so wear them with shirts with simple sleeves. There is a variety of bracelets available in different widths, shapes, colors, and textiles. One could wear a single bracelet or stack a few!

IMG_02232. Necklaces + Earrings = How to achieve Chic Combination

Throughout many years of assisting women with clothing and accessories I have found that a common misconception is that ladies feel the need to wear matching necklace and earring sets. Ladies, this is not the 1920's not everything has to match perfectly, mix it up! I have also encountered the over accessorizer, she wears both a statement necklace and statement earrings. With your ears and neck being close in vicinity there is only room for one statement. Pictured is a statement necklace with petite stud earrings; the main focus is the necklace. For another chic look choose to wear statement earrings paired with a more subtle necklace. To make a bold earring presentation, pull your hair back so they can actually be seen.

3. Take  it off Before you Leave

IMG_0247As a good rule of thumb, I like to tell my customers to take off at least one piece of jewelry before leaving the house. This is a good habit to practice because it prevents looking over done. The purpose of accessories is to enhance and update the outfit that you are wearing not to take away from it. You may discover that you like to wear a ton of jewelry and that is okay! If it is part of your fashion sense and is true to who you are embrace it. Others may like understated jewelry and may not need to practice this rule. Only you know what is best for yourself, this is just a helpful tip!

I also encourage you to  mix gold and silver jewelry! It is a fabulous look and there are many two tone pieces available to purchase. Don't be afraid to layer necklaces or stack bracelets with your watch, just make sure you have a balance. Maybe you want to wear all the jewelry you own, that is cool too. Just be sure to confidently express who you are because you rock! I hope that you found these accessorizing tips helpful! Till next time dolls.

Stay Sassy xo

P.S. I love feedback so don't hesitate to shoot me an email fashology101@gmail.com


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