Real Wedding Ceremony Tunes

June 24th, 2016 was easily the best day of my life. I said "I do" & married my best friend. Over the past year & a half we put in a countless amount of time planning this special day. It went by in a flash. I thought I had my i's dotted & t's crossed when it dawned on me 2 weeks before the wedding I had no clue what I was going to be walking down the aisle to, oops.

In a panic I had begun to research ceremony songs. I emailed my DJ asking a million & 5 questions. I had an idea of what I wanted but 2 weeks away from the big day I had to figure it out! Generally you need 3 songs for a ceremony: one the bridal party & family walks down to, the bride's entrance, & the recessional for when the bride & groom accompanied by the bridal party & family exits the ceremony.

See below our song selection for our ceremony.

  1.  Bridal Party- Only in Time (Instrumental)-Enya
  2. Bride- Canon D-Pachelbel
  3. Recessional- Wedding March- Fleix Mendelssohn

These aren't the only options you have to chose from! If you are a bride-to-be use this for inspiration. We wanted something more classical for the ceremony but maybe you & your spouse are more modern or contemporary. This is a special time & your day should reflect your relationship. We had our DJ play at our ceremony maybe you want a string quartet. The beautiful thing about planning your wedding is that it is about what you want! Don't be afraid to ask questions either, your vendors are there to help you.

Well dolls till next time! Stay sassy & God bless.

Gigi xo


Kimono Krazy

Pattern Play