My Top Learnings from my Past Year of Life

Hello, beauties! I hope this blog post sees you well! Things have been a little crazy the past couple weeks between the Create & Cultivate Conference, my birthday, & everything in-between. In today’s post I wanted to take a moment to pause & look back my biggest takeaways from my last trip around the sun. My hopes for my next few vulnerable paragraphs is that maybe someone feels like they aren’t alone or maybe just one person can glean something helpful. Judgement free zone.

  1. Everyone has their own truth. This was a BIGGIE for me & kind of a hard pill to swallow. There is that saying “there are 3 sides to a story: mine, yours, & the truth”. But, no matter how hard you try to argue or how hard you try to get others to believe your truth instead of their own the fact of the matter is they will always believe THEIR truth. Once I grabbed this fact by the balls certain relationships in my life got easier. Now, I don’t think that anyone should have to stay in toxic friendships/relationships but you may have one or two that you may find exhausting. This simple fact allowed me to be more accepting of these kinds of people in my life.

  2. CANCER is a stupid HOE! This one is pretty self explanatory. My grandfather passed this past Thanksgiving. He was diagnosed with lung & brain cancer over the summer. When we first got the news I was SHOOK. I couldn’t focus at work, I was sad all the time. I’m very close to my grandparents. BUT, He lived the life he wanted & he passed on with family by his side. This was the first person I lost to cancer in my inner circle. He was in hospice care & the nurses kept him comfortable. It’s never easy to watch a loved one deteriorate but it does happen. Through this I also was made more aware of how dang expensive funerals are. This also encouraged me to not wait for the perfect time to do things instead just do them!

  3. Do things that fuel your soul. Another concept that seems SO simple but we make it far more complicated than needed. Today there is this pressure to “post on social media” or to “attend every event” or to “work out all the time” “have the best things” the list goes on forever. The thing is sis, if you are dreading doing “X” you probably shouldn’t be doing it because it is not serving you joy. Cancel your plans to attend whatever event, disconnect from social media, have a rest day, whatever your soul needs DO THAT! If you aren’t feeling fulfilled you are not going to pour out properly in other facets of your life.

  4. Some people are in it for self gain. I thrive on genuine connections & friendships, I truly do. This year I have realized more that some people are out here for their own personal gain. Which is fine, you do you boo. BUT, that ain’t me. I want us to rise together! Or you may have those people in your life that just reach out to you because they need something (eye roll). I don’t know main this just drains me so, good bye with that. I have certainly gained the wisdom of knowing when this is happening which I haven’t always had so, that’s good. LOL

  5. Integration. This was a more recent discovery of mine which I came across listening to the goal digger podcast where Jenna Kutcher interviewed Tony Robbins. Another SHOOK moment (shook: shocking or surprised). The past couple years I have been trying to maintain some sort of “balance”. Tony dropped this truth bomb, life isn’t about “balance” it is about integration. You can be that boss babe momprenuer & still be an amazing mother! You can work full time, side hustle, & be a great wife. You CAN be healthy & still enjoy a treat! Decide what you can’t live without doing each day & integrate from there! I was mind blown but it is SO true. Obviously, balance in diet is important but like you can do the things that you want to do. You don’t need to be confined to a stinking box!

I going to keep it to 5 learnings so I don’t bore you to death. But, I have a new appreciation for being able to move my body & self love. Giving yourself grace is SO important. This year was truly full of adventure, love, & loss, I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I was able to show my husband a country very important to me, watch my sister grow a little life in her belly, stand by my best friend on her wedding day & continue to grow in all aspects of life. I am SO grateful. What is a birthday without any reflection anyway?!


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