Helpful Ways to Stay Motivated

Hi fam! I hope you are having a great week. If you follow us on instagram you know we have been doing weekly lives featuring a different boss babe each week. I noticed a common thread with question submissions from you! Our audience is always curious how to stay motivated to workout. I have gathered some helpful tips:

  1. Do it for the right reasons: Sure, working out helps weight loss but getting SO caught up on the scale can truly deter a person from working out. Instead of focusing so much on the number draw your attention to how you feel. There are so many added benefits to working out. For me it is a release & also gives me more energy. Remember that quote in Legally Blonde? “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't."

  2. Cute workout clothes: I am ALWAYS more motivated to workout when I have cute workout clothes. I am currently LOVING the sets from BoldBody Apparel. You can get 15% off your first set with code READYSET15.

  3. Find a Workout that Excites you: You should be doing workouts that you really enjoy. Spinning has been my choice, I also really like barre. There are a variety of different class types available in person or virtually. Find something that excites you, something that you look forward to doing!

  4. Schedule your Workouts: Like an appointment dedicate a certain time in the day specifically for your workout. I also find it helpful to plan a week worth of workouts so you are prepared to take on the week & have a game plan.

  5. Get enough sleep: Honestly, I feel so much better when I get enough sleep. This not only helps my motivation but, also keeps me on my A game at work & more energized in life.

  6. Drink water: We are like plants, we need water & sunlight. Not sure about you but if I haven’t had enough water I feel like a dried up raisin. Drinking water is good for your overall health & works wonders for your skin!

  7. Give yourself grace: You do not need to workout everyday. Personally, I like to take 1-2 rest days each week. There have been some weeks where I only get 2 workouts in. No matter your jam be sure to give yourself grace. There is no sense in shaming yourself for missing a workout. I find doing that actually hurts my motivation so, give yourself grace.

These are just a few easy to implement tips that have helped me stay motivated to work out even through quarantine & I hope they helpful too. Till next time babes!

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